Tuesday, March 13, 2012

how in the world

How in the world is it... a new year since I've last blogged, nearly a new season since I've visited this space, that I've been too 'busy' to write and tend to my little blog and to reach out and connect with all of the world around me in this little space!?

How in the world!?

There is only so much that one can do in a day. And a mother of four, with homeschooling and housewifery on her plate at that can do that much less. I have been attempting to embrace my current 'theme' for this season of my life, which I've so poignantly paired down to the phrase, "embracing my reality".

As I was searching for inspiration tonight on 'the web' and in links to various inspiring essays and articles sent my loving friends via e-mail, I was struck with the thought that I too had a little blog, a place to inspire and share inspirations on, a spot to freely allow my creativity, vision, dreams and reality to flow to.

There has been so much growth going on in our home over the last few months- physical growth (proven by super short pants being sported by several of my boys), spiritual growth (seen in the slow, steady and even-more-patient response on the part of one s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d mother), emotional growth (seen in one soon-to-be-six year old boy who can now tame his tantrums and nightly whines), practical growth (demonstrated by a greater interest in hygiene by all three older children and a new-found love and care for a pair of sweet rabbits that we adopted from some dear friends) and academic growth (come be a fly on our walls and witness a new little reader in our home and some 'big kids' who are self-directed in starting their homeschooling day).

Growth. And lots of it.

My hope is to be able to visit this spot more often now and not be deterred by the lists of  miscellaneous 'to-do's" at the end of my day, or the fact that my Picasa photos cannot be accessed right now to show you in photos what our family is doing these days or by the fact that I may not have a perfectly worded, wise post to share.

Writing is one of my greatest joys and creative outlets and my prayer and hope is that there will be something to say, something to share, something to glean- no mater how big or small- in the days, weeks and months to come!


Donna said...

Oh, how I love your posts and I'm going to borrow your theme, "living in reality" for me it's finding a new norm after horrible trials I did not see coming. Thanks for blogging again. Missed your writings.

Unknown said...

well said! I love the "living in my reality" statement, too...as that is what I am *trying* to learn as well. Have you read "one thousand gifts?" If not, you would love it! Thanks for the post!