Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We spent hours outside today. Typically during this time of year there is a thaw that eases us folks here in New England into a muddy, chilly start to the spring season. But not this year. There is nothing to thaw out and no snow to melt into a mucky layer on our earth. What a mild winter it has been.

We spent time outside in between each lesson today during our homeschooling. I remember this time of year very well. The time of year when the warmth and sunlight are calling everyone outside to come taste and see that spring is indeed right around the corner.

There is a battle going on between duty and impulse; a war being waged on all the good intentions of a dutiful mother by the strong rhythm of the change in seasons. Try as I may to focus on the inside of my home- just one more load of laundry to put in to the wash, a floor in need of some serious sweeping, a house to be tidied- the call to be out-of-doors always wins out in the end. Who needs formal academics when their are lessons to be learned out in the natural world- lessons that are always engaging, never lend themselves to boredom and never require a Sunday night's time to plan out?

And as if it wasn't hard enough to push against the pull of three children yearning for their feet to hit the grass running, now I have a fourth pull begging with a sweet whine 'pease, side, pease, side' (please take me outside!).

I do believe the odds are against me.

And just tell me who on earth can resist a toddler wearing red rain boots who insists on wearing his big brother's fedora riding a tricycle?!

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