Friday, March 12, 2010

real food

As a lifelong learner and seeker of the best ideas and principles of nutrition, parenting, nurturing and family life, I feel that I have found one of those nuggets of gold in the realm of health, feeding babies and children and pregnancy as of late.

Mike and I found Underground Wellness last year and have spent many a night listening to the interviews on this program after hours (meaning, after the children are asleep). We don't have television service and just love a form of media that actually enhances your life rather than robs you of precious time and creativity!

This week featured Nina Planck, author of Real Food and Real Food for Mother and Baby. The interview was amazingly informative, to the point and really brought the truth to light about what we are to feed ourselves as we are preparing to conceive a child, while we are pregnant and what to feed mother and baby after the birth and during breastfeeding.

Nina pretty much follows the principles and findings of Weston Price. If you are at all familiar with this amazing man than you know that his advice is pretty much contrary to what you are going to hear from your OB or mainstream dietetics.

The interview touches on...
  • good nutrition during the three trimesters
  • exposes the myth of eating low-fat and vegetarian/vegan lifestyles
  • stresses the importance of high-quality proteins and fats (especially during pregnancy and more specifically during the third trimester)
  • encourages traditional foods, especially fish and butter
  • avoiding soy
  • how to manage swelling during pregnancy (eat enough protein!)
  • and keeping your baby close during the first few months to meet the needs of cluster feedings and establish breastfeeding
Her website also offers handouts on Eating for Two and Baby's First Foods.

It was inspiring to hear this advice to give me that little extra nudge to eat right and care for myself during the third trimester. The end is in sight and I want to do what I can to build this baby to his full potential!

Some daily habits that I have already established during my pregnancy include...
  • taking a high quality fish oil supplement daily
  • using pastured butter, coconut oil and organic extra virgin olive oil as my fats
  • taking a prenatal vitamin derived from whole foods (not synthetic)
  • drinking only water and seltzer as beverages (no juice or soda) and some teas and (yes, I'm back to enjoying that morning cup) coffee
  • avoiding all artificial sweeteners (like the plague!)
  • continuing with avoidance of corn syrup, food dyes and MSG
  • aiming for 75-100 grams of protein daily
  • avoiding refined sugar and grains (to the best of my ability)
  • listening to my body's cues about sleep (this may include naps or early bedtimes)
Enjoy the resource! I have posted it on my sidebar for your viewing and listening pleasure!

** I have been getting questions on which prenatal vitamin I take. It is the Raw Prenatal made by Garden of Life.


daniele @ domestic serenity said...

WOW! Thanks so much for this resource, the website is very informative. I'll be perusing this one for sure as it rings true with me. Health to you in this last trimester.

renee ~ heirloom seasons said...

I love what you are writing here, I have been sharing some real food thoughts of my own. (We were vegan for 17 years until very, very recently!)
I will certainly be back to explore your blog some more... we enjoy our simple home life too!