Monday, January 19, 2009

blog games

My friend Jackie tagged me, so I thought I'd play along this time (I'm usually the lame blogger whoe doesn't participate in these bloggy-sort of games!).

Here are the rules:
1. go to your documents/pictures
2. go to your 6th file.

3. go to your 6th picture.

4. blog about it.

5. tag six people to do the same

This is what I found...

This is a photo of Mike and I at my friend Faith's wedding in New Jersey from June 2003. Obviously I was very, very pregnant. I remember that we had a splendid time at this wedding celebration and specifically remember Sophia (who was about 21 months) eating nothing but pixie stix at this event. It was a recipe for disaster and we ended up with a strung-out-on-sugar toddler who was entertaining everyone on the dance floor.

Here is the evidence...
Can you tell that she has had too much sugar? And yes, she is actually on the dance floor!

Take special notice of the pixie stix dust around her mouth... very scary, I know. How and why did I ever let this happen????

Nicolas was born 13 days after this photo was taken!

I'm not going to ask six people to play along, but instead will open the game to anyone who wishes to participate. Let me know if you decide to play along by leaving me a comment and link to your blog below!


Kristen Taylor said...

I did!! :)

Jackie said...

oh my. that sophia. she sure was cute! i can't believe she was that little when nic was born. i forget how close in age they are...