Sunday, November 25, 2007

Read On for a Bit of Out-of-the-Box Encouragment Mothers

Just when we mothers were feeling overwhelmed for not "doing" enough for/with our children, Charlotte Mason's words speak right to the heart and put us at ease.
Miss Mason says...
"The busy mother says she has no leisure... and the child will run wild and get into bad habits; but we must not make a fetish of habit; education is a *life* as well as a discipline. Health, strength, and agility, bright eyes, and alert movements, come of a free life, out-of-doors, if it may be, and as for habits, there is no habit or power so useful to man or woman as that of personal initiative. The resourcefulness which will enable a family of children to invent their own games and occupations through the length of a summer's day is worth more in after life than a good deal of knowledge about cubes and hexagons, and this comes, not of continual intervetnion on the mother's part, but of much masterly inactivity."

Relax. Enjoy your children. And let them be busy at nothing most of the time! What they will learn through invention, innovation, trial and error and pure instinct will amaze you.


Nesting Momma said...

What a great post. I love watching my girls out doors because their imagination is at it's best. They make up so many games, innventions with twigs, leaves and rocks!
Thanks for the encouagment!

Amanda said...

You always know EXACTLY what I need to read. Although I didn't "ignore" {my word} kids today, there are days when I feel that I do and this is what I need to hear. I am not their entertainment. Thought about you a lot today...glad I got to read this great post!

Unknown said...

ah, yes, the theory of "benign neglect" often used at our house to get our kids to go play - together, if possible, but just play!

Jackie said...

yes, thanks for that...

Unknown said...

You are an amazing wise woman, my dear. Thank you from yet another reader (and friend) that read this just at the right moment.