Sunday, July 25, 2021

Often times, when someone thinks of living minimally they think of a home or a life with less THINGS. While this is true, and also a key to living simply, there is so much more to it. Living simply means living with less overall. For children, this might look like less toys, less clothing (which means less options and overwhelm when choosing), repairing or pitching broken toys, less media consumption, less exposure to the adult world and simpler foods (aka— whole, nourishing foods without “ingredient lists”). For me, as a mother and wife, this means owning one set of sheets for each bed, one pair of boots, making mindful purchases (quality over quantity, asking myself if we truly have a need for the item), having minimal decorations and wall hangings, cancelling cable (which we did over a decade ago), making much of our food from scratch and keeping my wardrobe paired down. Minimalism is such a trend right now— but really it’s nothing new. It’s a return to a simpler way of life and really honing in on what matters most to your family. Creating a simple home doesn’t mean you have to dial back to an old-fashioned era or mimic a lifestyle based on depression-era survival. A paired down home can still be beautiful and welcoming and inviting. It’s something I’ve been working on for over a decade and I feel like I’m still taking baby steps in each of these areas. I’m a work in progress— but I love the direction we’re heading inπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸ½

1 comment:

Ferahtia.Fs said...

Many thanks for the informations