Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Homegrown After All This Time

Hello and welcome to my little space!

I started this blog over a decade ago as a young mother to three small children. I was enlivened at the prospect of home education, homesteading and finding my way as a mother. I had an inkling that I was in a unique season of life. A time where I often felt like I was drowning in an ocean of massive waves as I looked upon the shore- just barely out of reach- watching others frolicking and flourishing. Don't get me wrong. Life was beautiful and I often felt so ecstatic about the family- the life- I was creating that it caused me to stay up late at night and dream about what I wanted mine to look like.

In addition to the dreaming, there was lots of doing. Doing things for the first time like learning to sew, compiling a home library filled with luscious living books and teaching myself basic cooking skills. It was a time like no other.

Homeschooling was a new adventure and one that I felt both very passionate and steadfast about, while at the same time harboring secret fears that I wasn't "doing it" the right way. It's funny how time has a way of making one more resilient to fears that are false and strengthening the parts of us that were meant to be.

As I sit here and write this afternoon, I am anything but new to motherhood and family life. And while I am certainly not a young mother, I am still a mother to the young. Our six children range in age from three to eighteen. We are still homeschooling. Only one is attending school out of the home. One child has graduated. Oh, and by the way- living with ones adult child is a sobering reminder that they are not ours to keep (a lesson that I sorely need a daily reminder of). But alas, they are all six living at home, under our roof and under our authority and guidance- in varying ways.

I envision this space as a place to share more than what I am posting in snippets on my Instagram page. Perhaps many of the same photos will accompany my blog posts, but I do see the message being different, being more complete. Being more.

I invite you to join me and to follow along with our family who is still living, growing, thriving- both at home and abroad. Welcome to our homegrown life!

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