Thursday, November 01, 2012

rethinking breakfast

Rethinking breakfast, again, around here. Sadly, my children are boycotting their morning standby, oatmeal, and are choosing instead to leave the table hungry, rather than to suffer silently and take a few bites out of their piping hot bowls. 

Giving up oats is not an option for me, so I was delighted to have a friend suggest baked oatmeal as an alternative to my big morning pot of steaming goodness.

This recipe also looks delectable. I am all about 'one-pot' meals when I can find those that are balanced and tasty enough. And the idea of baking pears right into my breakfast sounds divine!

Hoping that this new look to our morning oatmeal will bring my children back to the old tried and true second-helping children that I know and love!

{Since we are no longer a morning-snack family, I love serving a breakfast that will carry my children all the way through their morning school work up until the lunch bell without one tummy rumble or whining grumble about being 'starved'!!}

1 comment:

Pam... said...

When ours got weary of oats, we switched to malt o meal. A cheaper option is wheat berries, ground up. And muesli (mixing lots of rolled grains and nuts and seeds) is nice with dates or dry fruit and milk.
Also, the kids like dry rolled oats with milk..not boiled. Just some thoughts.