Monday, November 08, 2010

our first snowfall and a link to thoughts on warmth and the young child

We woke up this morning to our first dusting of snow. I just had a feeling that it was coming and instinctively brought up the topic of 'the first snow' while I was out running an errand with Elias yesterday afternoon. I could hardly believe the reality of it actually coming as I walked Elias over to the window very (very) early this morning to take a peek. So amazing!

I know that this magical white world that we woke up to this morning is just a taste of what is to come over the next few months here in New England. There was so much joy and energy in the air this morning in our home over the next snowfall (that will hopefully last more than a morning), the first day of winter and our most beloved holiday- Christmas.

So with all of that cold ahead of us, it is very timely to talk about warmth and the young child.

Kyrie from Are So Happy is writing a series on this topic all week over at her blog. I read her posts last year regarding warmth and children and even printed them out because they were so inspiring. It has forever changed the way I dress my children and the habits that we have formed in our home- especially during the fall and winter months.

If you've never given much thought to this topic I would highly encourage you to head over to her blog this week and read about just how important being warm- inside and out- is to the small, growing child.

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