Monday, July 26, 2010

busy versus full

Woke up to read this post about how to tell the difference between being busy or full over at simple home school this morning. It completely summed up all that I have been thinking about and trying to formulate into a logical explanation for the life we have chosen. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone tries to describe my life as busy. There's just something about that word. I try avoiding it at all costs and have opted instead to sum up our days of homeschooling and life with four young children as full instead for years now. I just love the way this post describes the difference between these two lifestyles.

To me being busy means frantic, frazzled, without a focus or purpose and making decisions based on whims, external pressures and unrealistic expectations. All toxic reasons to choose what we will spend our time, energy and resources for everyone involved- especially the children.

Choosing to be full instead of busy is often going against what our culture is telling us to do. It is choosing the mundane- the necessary and purposeful- over the exciting, thrilling and fleeting that we sometimes feel compelled to pursue. After all, being busy can be awfully exciting.

Having a full life takes practice and patience. It seems that after nearly nine years of parenting and attempting to follow my instincts in regard to family life and the pace that we choose each day, I can honestly say that it is one lovely full life that we have made for ourselves. At the end of the day it feels so, so good to be able to reflect on what I have had the instincts to pursue and enjoy and the courage to leave behind.


Unknown said...

I love this Jill! I have often been called a "busy" person and I have always resented it and become defensive at the accusation. While there have been times when my life was frantic and crazy, as you said, maintaining a full life requires skill and practice and patience and deserves to be called what it is...full.

daniele @ domestic serenity said...

I am VERY much agreeing with you on this one! I too can't stand it when people describe us as just simply busy or crazy (though there are days I wonder :o). We've used the word 'full' as well...and yes, it requires skill, patience and focus to make it all work in a peaceful manner. Thanks for this post and the link.
p.s. your little babe is such a cutie!

Kristin said...

Thanks for this blog! I have found it enlightening and inspiring. Looking to simplify my life so that I am less "busy" and more "full."