Sometimes you just need a good laugh. I don't know quite how to describe this photo. What's most hysterical? The fact that he is pantless and wearing red rain boots or the side-smirking grin that he's got on his face?
Jackie... You remember Nicolas' red rain boots? He was about two years old when he become obsessed with wearing them EVERYWHERE. I guess it's in the genes. But then again, I AM the one buying these boys the boots!
This is one of those pictures you must save when you want to embarass him as a teen or scare a girlfriend away. I think the "boys" in the family have a boot thing. Your dad had a pair of cowboy boots I remember seeing in a picture and you must remember Seth's grey cowboy boots that he wore everyday. He wore them to E.C.A.! Li-Li is soooo cute. Mom
oh my gosh! the boots are reminiscent of nicolas but the face is completely original. so, i'll have to go with the face. love it!
Jackie... You remember Nicolas' red rain boots? He was about two years old when he become obsessed with wearing them EVERYWHERE. I guess it's in the genes. But then again, I AM the one buying these boys the boots!
This is one of those pictures you must save when you want to embarass him as a teen or scare a girlfriend away. I think the "boys" in the family have a boot thing. Your dad had a pair of cowboy boots I remember seeing in a picture and you must remember Seth's grey cowboy boots that he wore everyday. He wore them to E.C.A.! Li-Li is soooo cute. Mom
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