Monday, August 01, 2011


It is the start of August today and with it comes the inevitable, mixed-emotion countdown to the start of our school year. Four weeks. After boasting about how much time I would spend in this space this summer writing, musing and sharing thoughts and experiences, I have had to eat my words.

My wireless internet was out for the last three weeks. And after two attempts to get things back on track, I gave up. Apparently I just didn't care that much.

And then today...voila! I am connected again.

July was a hot, amazing, home-centered month. We ended up finding a rhythm at home that included regular naps for Luca while the older children played outdoors, simple lunches, quiet times in the afternoon with reading and lots of stillness and many, many home-cooked dinners.

Lots of magical moments and many more of the mundane-type that sustain family life.
  • many zucchini fritters made and devoured by all
  • reading just 'clicking' for one of my dear children
  • enjoying the sweet, sweet stories of Brambley Hedge
  • a potty training strike by my toddler
  • the biggest blueberries picked on record thus far
  • a week of talents enjoyed by my three older children- archery, drama, singing, art, soccer, gymnastics, photography and wool felting
  • the completion of swim lessons for my older three
  • a family barbecue enjoyed in New Hampshire
  • a precious, new baby for some dear friends

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